What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 Certification will give your organisation the quality systems that will provide the foundation to better customer satisfaction, staff motivation and continual improvement.

SBJ at First

S.B.J. start the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 9001) for the first time in 2006, while it was the opportunity of Thailand Textile Institute., which plans to apply to the textile industry by they support.

First, There is a feeling that all the staff in the factory or in the field of management in the factory at that time were not ready enough. Then we will look at the problem from the other side of it, it's like we do not have a problem with it as it comes. But even certification in first is not certified, the company has experienced in the use of some system from ISO, whether it is in terms of the documentation or the inspector to evaluate some of the staff. have to get used to the system.

Beginning in the ISO 9001 back in 2015

The system used to do for a long time, the company had no idea that we would try to do because then we began to use it. More to come later Everyone began to use a computer. Made a new document or every computer user has not yet. And after watching the more experienced. we thought of returning to the system.

Do Customers need us to have ISO?

First, the customer does not force us to do that. But the customers we sell most of which are factory certified, if we do not begin to do this before. If a customer or prospective customer would want assurances that supplier must be done to force ourselves to emerge. We know that we have a sample ready. we decided to do it

Difficulties in obtaining ISO 9001

-    Documentation We need to remember that we need to start now to continue with it. It makes sense that a lot of documents. Confusing

-   Understanding the new document.

-   Trained to communicate with employees. But since then we do not have to restart everything.

Preparing for the certification examination.

- Learn on how to comply with ISO 9001, based on how accurate each department.

- Policies that require employees to acknowledge & nbsp; whether it is in terms of policy objectives, KPI.

Advice from CEO

"First, do not be afraid. The new things must be in the mind. If we are open to new things to come, we dare to make a commitment to practice and we believe that every organization. Whether it be our own or the other, it depends. we'll pass. Based on all of them as well."